Friday, September 13, 2013

Well last night my friend and I went out predator hunting. As we were parking our truck loading our guns we felt the sun beating on us right there where we stood. The walk down the path to the damn seem so long as we were sweating the whole way. We had our hunting clothes on like a long sleeve camo shirt and long pants plus our boots. One of the hottest day in September. As we walked up the the damn we had to jump over the water that was flowing from the pond. The jump was easy but as soon as we started walking we ran into a dead copper head snake. it scared us to death. We finally go into our tree stand and starting calling the coyotes in but didn't hear anything expect for some dogs and an owl. Behind us in the woods we heard a deer walking around then it was gone. It started to lightening so we started back to our trucks and we ran into copperheads. My buddy shot once and it disappear then out of no where it came towards us to i starting shooting and killed it. Our heart started racing as we came back up to the damn and as soon as the light shine down up there we saw another copperhead. I shot once and hit it and i saw it move towards us so once again we were unloading on it and finally killed it. The walk back was kinda interesting but as soon as we got back to our truck we were so relieved.

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