Friday, November 8, 2013

I went to go see Thor the Dark Worlds last night and it was awesome.  Well I was just like chilling with my friends last night and they were like why you don’t come with us. My friend and I look at each other and thought to our self’s what else is there to do. We bought our tickets online and we yall ate at my house and then we drove up to the movies at south park and got the best seats.  We watch the movie and the movie was really good.  I’m not really In to those kind of movies but this one was pretty good.  After the movie we decided that we wanted to have a fire so headed back to our friends house and had us a little fire.  Well of course whenever we have a fire something crazy will happen or something that we won’t stop talking about.  Then the night had to come to an end and now I’m in class  typing up my blog like a good student I am.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Well the start of this week was looking good. Did nothing at all Sunday but lay in my bed and relaxed. Woke up nice and early for class Monday morning for English  I got to school and started walking to class and i was thinking that I normally see people that are in my class and i didn't see anyone thing morning except for one. As we were walking to class we could tell there was a note on the door saying class was canceled and I got a little mad cause my next class wasn't until 11. I had a 2 hours to find something to do and of course I thought of doing homework. After i drove to get gas I came back and came into the library to start some of my homework. Time flew by as I was working and by the time I was getting ready to stop to check the time it was time for me to go to my lab. The rest of my day flew by and I ended up going hunting and seeing a momma deer and two babies that were flowing close by but of course I couldn't get a shot on either one of them. My Monday started bad but ended up pretty good.